Social Action
Circle of Hope is the umbrella for our community outreach programs to support those in need. We support the Circle of Hope through the generous donations of our members and occasional fund raisers. We are a small congregation and our focus is primarily toward local issues where our support can be most effective.
Sharing Table
The Sharing Table is a coalition of churches, dedicated to reaching out to citizens in need. Our church, along with other local churches, work together to serve a free meal, most Saturdays, to anyone in need. We typically host the Sharing Table at the Prince of Peace Church in Edgewood two or more times a year, providing lunch to approximately 100 people each time. Harford County Food Pantry The congregation supports the Harford County Food Pantry with regular donations. The Food Pantry gets peanut butter through federal and state food distributions and bread donation from local grocers, but are frequently short of grape jelly that is a favorite of needy children for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They call us the Grape Jelly Church because we concentrate our donations on supplying grape jelly. Hall's Cross Roads Elementary School in Aberdeen We support the school by donating needed supplies, often in response to requests by the school principal. The typical items donated are winter garments and school supplies, food for breakfasts and lunches. |